Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Weight, Weight and More Weight!!!

So I had previously said that I was going out to start my Bobsleigh Season on the 13th of November but due to some unforeseen circumstances this opportunity got postponed. It was ok though as it meant that I was able to stay home and get some more hard training under my belt in the gym and on the track.
It had been a long time before I was able to get back in the weights room and start some heavy lifting again due to my wrist, but now I am back and enjoying banging out the weights and its nice to see that even though I had to stay off the weights for a long time I am nearly back to were I use to be back in 2010 and ive only be back on it for a few months!! The thing with me is when I get on the weights my body weight goes up dramatically and I feel like 'Chunky Wanna Bun!!' I hate stepping on the scales and looking down and thinking S*** what happened there and then go into the ok now im going to starve myself for a week so I can lose the weight!!!......Katherine it aint gonna happen now is it!!! Not doing weights since Febuary this year has meant I had dropped a few jean sizes and been the lighest ever!! I was so excited looking at the scale being under 10stone, but now I have to kiss goodbye to that, it was nice for a while but I need Power in my legs and Power = Weights so its a sacrifse I will have to make through gritted teeth haha

Anyway back to Bobsleigh, well I shall be heading out to Winterburg on Sunday to join up with the GB girls on the European Cuiruit, its already started for them but I am going to go out and see what its all about and lucky for me I will have my daughter Mia and my Partner coming out with me too so that will be nice. Then its, return home in December get myself back on the track and then get ready to put my sprint spikes back on again and my racing kit and start my indoor athletics campaign........

Sunday, November 6, 2011

This weekend seems to have been the most tiring and jammed packed weekend ever.

Friday I was A key speaker at a conference in Plymouth for teacher on Citizenship, PHSEE and and Healthy Schools event talking about how sport and healthy lifestyle has made an impact on my life and talk about my story so far and I had know trouble talking haha those who know me would know that! I was amazed while I was there to learn that Primary Schools now weigh in children to check their weight!! Parents can refuse for their child to be weighed and I did say that I wouldn't allow my child to be weighed to determine if she is healthy or not, surely doing this can have an adverse effect on some children. It's bad enough anyway with the so called perfect body image plastered on magazines etc and now they are doing this in schools surely it's not right!! We will end up with more kids with eating disorders. There must be another way of determining if a child is healthy or not why can't they put together some kind of fitness testing!! That's enough moaning from me now 

On a brighter note on Sunday I was invited to start the first ever Plymouth 10k event and it was an honor to be able to do it and such a fantastic turn out with clear sky's to boot. I enjoyed counting down and setting the runners off and glad to be a spectator!! Haha The finish was great with three elite runners racing for the finish line and the English came out on top against the welsh it was also nice to meet some people I talk typo via twitter nice to put a face to a nice or should I say tweet!

So tomorrow is the start of a new week and time for me to get some last minute training in and get my game face on for the start of my Bobsleigh career as on the 13th I shall be leaving the UK and heading out to Austria to slide with the girls  BRING IT ON 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Count Down Begins.....

So the clock is ticking and the count down has begun to the start of my new career in Bobsleigh! On the 13th of this month I will make my first trip away with the GB Team to the European Cup in Austria and this will be my first ever slide on ice and when I will finally find out what I have let myself in for and what Extreme Sports is all about and I can't wait!!!

I'm looking forward to getting out there and doing my first slide with the girls and be part of the team and on the circuit. I'm not going to lie am I scared? Yeah course I am wouldn't you be? Haha but I enjoy these kind of things, the challenge of walking into the unknown and not knowing what to expect, I thrive on a challenge and enjoy the feeling of nerves as you just use it to your advantage! So bring it on!!!!

Before I go I still have things to do at home, on Sunday I have to get up early as I am officially starting the Plymouth 10k. I can't believe the number of tweets I received on Twitter asking me if I was running it!! ME?! I don't think so, I would give most things a go but the thought of having to run that far is torture, my body is not designed for that kind of running I would need a medical team handy and a taxi to take me to the finish line, either that or ride in the back of an ambulance!! Haha.
I take my hat off to everyone taking part I think your all MAD and I wish you all the best of luck and I will be staying round to cheer you on.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Winter Season Fast Approaching

Last week I travelled to Bath for a Media Day with GB Bobsleigh which included plans and expectations for the 2011/2012 season the Teams for the season and lots of interviews and photographs.
During the day I was asked numerous times why I had decided to hang up my sprint spikes and turn to Bobsleigh? I found myself repeating time and time again I have not hung up my sprint spikes and still plan to aim for the 2012 Olympics, beyond that my focus will be on the Winter Olympics 2014. I want to combine the two sports for the next year and hope to race at some of the indoor meets and who know the World Indoor Championships for Team GB and then compete fully in the Summer and qualify for 2012.

But before I can do all this I am getting ready to finally step onto the ice with GB Bobsleigh and my Driver Vicki O at the European Cup Circuit from the 14th of November and I cant wait!! This will be the real thing....no make shift Bob, no messing around, its going for REAL and I am looking forward to the challenge. My arm is holding up well and I am back on the weights and the speed in my legs is all good. ive not done anything competitive this year due to my arm and I cant wait to get back into the competitive enviornment again and get my game face on and deliever what has been asked of me!!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Back In The Game.....

Well its been a while since I have updated my blog and I am sorry for that I really don't know where the time has gone.

The good news is I have still been training and recovering from my surgery on my wrist. To make things even sweeter I have been given the all clear by the hospital to get back to it and start using my arm and pushing through it. however I do need to aviod sudden impact as of course this will just undo any of the repair i had. I have limited rotation in my hand and wrist so will now be undergoing a lot of physio to help force the wrist and get my movement back as I only have about 60% grip so this needs to be improved as I am right handed and need to get the strength back so I am 100%!

I travelled up to Bath last weekend to get myself back on the dry slope and build my confidence up that I am ok to push and get in and I did it with no pain during or after the session. The good thing about traveling up to Bath was that I was able to practice pushing with my driver Vicki O and it was such a great feeling and session as this was the first time we have been able to do it together since I joined GB Bobsleigh. Now I can't wait to get out on Ice with the girls and the season is fast approaching

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Six Weeks Coming To An End

Last time I wrote I was in Dallas at MJP on a training camp with GB Bobsleigh and it was one of the best camps I have ever attended in 10days I learnt so much about myself and a lot of new methods of training and technical work I came home with a new outlook and passion to move forward.

It has been a massive challenge for me training in a plaster cast past my elbow but I never let it stop me do anything! I have been able to continue to run, weightlift a lot of it being single arm only but a lot on my legs, plyometrics, and a lot of core by balancing on my elbows! I have been working hard and have enjoyed every minute of it. The only thing I have found hard has been travelling to Bath and watching the girls on the push track as at the minute this is an impossible task for me. Anyone who is a sports person knows that this is like torture having to stand back and watch when your itching to get out there and do it , but my time will come soon. I did however help by pushing the Bobsleigh back up the hill using just my left hand so I can class that as a training session and a hard one at that I did numerous hills they where coming thick and fast!! When the girls had finished on the dry slope I got Mia a helmet and took her down with me in the Bob and she loved it, she is as mad as her mother I must add haha.

So now I am getting excited as I am back to the hospital on Thursday to hopefully have my cast removed as long as my bone has fused. I can't wait to get my arm back it's been too long.If they tell me I need to go back in a cast for longer they will have to catch me cause I shall be running from the Plaster Suite FAST! Haha. I am looking forward to being able to train to my maximum but I know I will need a lot of physio and rehab to get my full movement back but I know I can do it

Till next time.....

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dallas MJPC

So at the moment I have just finished day one in Dallas. I am currently in Dallas attending the Michael Johnson Performance Centre with the GB Bobsleigh Team on a training camp for 10 days to gain exposure to innovative training methods to optimise maximal strength expression, rate of force development, acceleration, and power & speed development.

For me this is going to be a challenge as I am in a plaster cast past my elbow on my right arm but I am here to learn, do the best I can to take part, and most of all be part of the team. I have been given the all clear to train as long as I avoid my right arm, no loading at all.

Day one saw us take part in some Physiological testing as soon as we arrived. Alot of it was about balance and movement which I found a giggle as balancing with only one arm is hard work but I gave it a go. Following this we had a Regeneration session which involved alot of work using the Foam Roller and band, I found this very helpful and something I will continue to do when I return home so when I'm at home watching the tv I can stay active at least!!

The afternoon session was more Performance testing which involved alot of jumping, squat jumps, standing long jumps, single leg jumps etc I still took part in these however my scores will probably be a little off due to my restrictions but it is still data I can work from. The last test was 10mtr sprints I couldn't drive my arm back at the start so a little delayed to hit speed but it was nice to run!

It has been a very long day and this is the first bit of exercise I have done since before my surgery so I am feeling very tired now but I can say it is nice to be back to it again. The real training starts tomorrow so fingers crossed I wake up in the morning with no aching in my arm and then I can give it a go again and see how I progress.

Will keep you all updated on my progress

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Road To Recovery

Monday I saw myself in hospital having surgery which involved right ulna shortening osteotomy and repair of tfc peripheral detachment.
I had 2.5mm of the ulna removed and the bone is now held together with a fragment locking plate and 2 mini-mitek anchors used to reattach the tfc.

I am now supporting a glamorous plaster cast past my elbow for the next 6-8 weeks and when that gets removed I'm sure I will also have a lovely scar along the ulna shaft and across the ulna head so the chances of me being an arm model are now out the window!!

At the moment I have been told that I am not allowed to load or impact for 12 weeks then after that I will need to follow a strengthening programme back to full activities this is under the advice of the NHS but I am confident with the help of my sports team I will be recover a lot quicker. I am use to injury recovery, I mean I have been through it numerous times before and on the plus side I have come back better and stronger every time so this will be no different this time round!!

The down side to this injury is the fact its my right arm and I am right handed with a plaster cast past my elbow so i am facing a lot of challenges on a day to day basis but I have a very good helper in Mia who has been doing everything for me and I love her to bits!! the only thing I won't let her do is my make up. I am not leaving my house looking like a clown so at the moment I am settling for less make up and a left handed job.....Thank God for false eyelashes!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tough Times Ahead

My path as an athlete hasn't been a smooth ride to say the least. As an athlete we put our body through so much trauma on a day to day basis so we can be the best in our given field and sometimes our bodies just can't take the impact anymore so we pick up little niggles and sometimes serious injuries that can't see us side lined for some time but I guess that just goes with the territory.

I've had my fair share of injuries since 2003 which has seen me off the track for a few years, I've had four arthroscopes in my left knee to repair a tear, I spent 6 weeks in an aircast boot due a stress fracture in my foot and today I was given the not so good news that will see me support a cast on my right arm for the least 8 weeks but the worse is I will be out of action for around 4 months which means my athletic season is over before it has had a chance to begin!!

I know that its these things that we endure and overcome that makes us the athletes we our today. Those who know me know what kind of person I am I keep a smile on my face and a bubbly personality and ok I'm a little bit crazy. I face these challenges head on and keep up the fighting spirit and don't let it get the better of me as I'm not ready to give up yet I have so much more to achieve. But behind the smile and the crazy women who stands in front of you is as human as the next person, inside it tears you up knowing that you can't do what you live for everyday and sometimes it just get too much. I know that this is probably going to be the toughest time ever in my career as an athlete I will have my good days and bad days but its these things that make me who I am.....I'm not going down without a fight I will get through this and come out stronger than before!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Injury Jinxed

I always seem to be pushed to the limits and have my strength tested during my life as an athlete. Things can be going great and then a little barrier is put in the way for me to overcome as I see it I have an injury jinx!! The good thing is I have the determination and strength to overcome these testing times and I always come out fighting stronger.

As I have mentioned in a previous blog I picked up an injury in my right wrist which has been a bit of a nightmare for a few months now as I am right handed. The good thing is it hasn't stopped me from doing my track sessions and plyometric training but it has significantly affected my weight training and block work as I've not been able to weightbare on my right. I have been able to do some bobsleigh push training but only by strapping my wrist up tight and taking a handful of painkillers!! Not got for the stomach!

I had an MRI scan which showed high signal at the origin of the TFC which is the cartiledge in my wrist. So on Monday I had a diagnostic wrist arthroscopy to confirm what is going on and then decided what the next step is and maybe more surgery to repair it. I need to get my wrist fixed as I want to be able to race at some point this summer and then be ready for the Bobsleigh pre season in October.

Following my surgery on Monday it confirmed that I had a TFC tear n detacthment as far as I am aware I have had the tear repaired and have to go back and see my surgeon on 15th to find out if I need any more procedures done. So at the minute I am struggling as I can't really use my right wrist and having to do things left handed is certainly a challenge in itself but as you do you just get on with it! I know I will bounce back I am strong always have been I will overcome this and fast. I got work to do.......

Friday, May 27, 2011


So as part of GB Bobsleigh I took a trip to Bath University to undergo some testing. This involved Dexa Scan and Skinfolds.....

First up was Skinfolds - this method is used to determine body fat composition, this type of testing is an estimation of body fat by using Skinfold Calipers. It's not the nicest of testing having someone pulling on your fatty bits and measuring them and by the time I had finished I looked like a dot to dot drawing down the right hand side of my body. I'm surprised Mia didn't try to join them up with her colouring pens!!

Second test was the Dexa whole body scan - this method is used to determine body composition characteristics such as lean mass, fat mass and bone mineral density. The procedure takes a total of 7 minutes where you are required to lay as still as possible. When ever I am asked to stay still you can be sure I have an itch that just won't go away!! It's amazing when you see the final image on screen showing just the bones and muscles. I looked like I had tree trunks for legs, it was as though I had blown up like the Nutty Professer does after his slimming postion has warn off!! Haha

Following the testing I was surprised with my body fat reading as I have always struggled to control my weight as a diabetic and then having Mia where I looked like I had put on about 5 stone!! The good thing was the Dexa machine didn't shout out "Fatty on board" and the guy kindly told me my reading was very good for a women to which I replied "what even with my body folds I've been carrying since I gave birth to Mia!"

Now I have the results I can keep an eye on my progress in losing more body fat and leaning up so next time I jump on the Dexa it will shout out "Skinny Mini Muscle Machine".......Wishful thinking ;o)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Devon County Championships 2011

After going through a stop, start Winter training programme and contemplating when I would finally step back onto the track I decided that the best time to see where I am at and blow out the cobwebs would be at my County Champs........

I always enjoy competing at my County Champs as this is where I started out when I was younger and I always remember my grass roots and appreciate where I came from plus it is nice for youngsters to see top athletes at these events and help support them and it's nice to see my fathers athletes and my training group in Plymouth compete and achieve Pbs and Medals.

For me this was a good weekend and not a bad opener. I became Devon Champ over the 100m with 11.7 and 200m in 24.4 and also got Silver in the Long Jump with 5m45. The conditions in Exeter where far from perfect this weekend but you have got to run regardless it's the same for everyone. My 200 was a nice easy run for me and I didn't push myself one bit I would have liked to have run under 24secs but the wind was having none of that!! My 100m was not technically good at the start as I just popped straight up but my drive phase was good and the rest was relaxed and easy and I didn't need to get out of first gear so I was pleased with that and I am not one to be able to run on my own so to come away with 11.7 is good enough for me it's early days yet and if the electronic timing was working it would have been quicker!! The Long Jump I just do for fun and I've not jumped in a while so thought I would give it a go and break up the sprinting. The only thing that gives me the distance is my speed on the runway I have no height at all when I jump if I could master that I'm sure I would be a pretty good jumper haha

So what's next for me from here on in? Well its back to training then next weekend Loughborough International. I have GB Relay Squad practise for two days then a race on the Sunday hopefully a 100m and a run in one of the two relay teams being put out. After that I am not sure when I will race next I have not really planned my races this year apart from the UK Trials in July that's the most important one and I want to make sure I am in the best possible shape to deliever on the day.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Cool Runnings

So this weekend I was back at Bath University for some practise on the Bobsliegh. I joined the athletes on there tests as part of the Talent I.D programme.

I joined some of the guys on the 30mtr sprint test, although I had already done this I thought I would use it as some training and see where abouts I am in training after not being able to do as much in the last four weeks due to illness. I did ok didn't run as fast as I did when I went through my trials but still a 3.96 aint bad going for someone who hasn't been training!! So I was happy with that and in a few weeks time after being back in full training and full fitness I will be smashing it.

Following this the guys and myself went up to the push track for some timed runs and seeing how quick we could push the make shift Bob. I really enjoyed this part of the session. For me I couldn't do the proper push technique as I still have a damaged wrist which is still under investigation so I had to do the Talent I.D push however I still found this painful. This was the first time for me pushing for time and with the help of Paula Walker and the coaching team I managed to clock 4.066 which is good going for me first time. But the target has now been set for me and I need to push 3.999 or under so I shall be returning back to Bath soon for some more coaching followed by some timed runs and I will nail it!! Hopefully by then my wrist will be better too.

I'm enjoying this new chapter of my life and can't wait to go forward with this. I am now finally getting back into full training and looking forward to the summer track season and then starting my first ever Winter season with GB Bobsiegh!! SWEET ;o)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hit and Miss

My body has not been my best friend lately and training has been a bit of hit and miss where I have spent most of my time feeling dead and ready to vomit!! This isn't after a monster session this is after like two runs, I've spent most of my time sleeping and even having a hyper 3year old in the house this still hasn't stopped me! This has been going on for about four weeks now so I have missed a massive part of my preparation for the outdoor season. The good news is that following a blood test there is no major underlying cause to this apart from high blood sugars and thankfully this week I finally feel like my body is back on side and ready to get back to work. So I'm taking small steps into returning back to full training and the plus side for me is it doesn't take me long to get back to full fitness.

The good thing about all this is that I've been able to spend some more time with Mia, having afternoons in the park (yes I do play on the slide haha). Me and Mia have a Pizza Hut Friday where we go for lunch, this is my rest day anyway and my day off work so I plan to continue this as we have so much fun. We've been doing some painting, however that stopped when I left the room for two minutes and Mia decided to paint my carpet and write her name on my front room door!! I brought Mia some face paint and now she won't let me take it off!! Me on the otherhand having so much free time on my hands have been doing designs on my own nails, and even if I do say so myself I think I have a hidden talent ;o)

Normally by now I would have opened up my outdoor season but this season I'm not in any rush to get out and race. The important thing for me right now is to lay down the training. 2012 is just around the corner and I want to be in the best possible shape for next year so this year I am going to be selective on my races and see how things go. I am going to test myself and see where abouts I am at when I line up for a very rare 150m at the Manchester Street Race next month! I've not done a 150 since I was about 15 so I'm sure it's going to be an experience.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Academy National Award

As you know I work as a Teaching Assistant at All Saints Academy Plymouth and this week I was pleased to help the school celebrate a top national award presented from the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games.

The values of friendship, respect and excellence has helped our Academy to be the first school in the country to achieve a top national GET SET Award.

The scheme gives children and young people the opportunity to promote the core values of the Games, which also include courage, determination and equality.

The Olympic message was shown by the school through a special sports day which was created when we launched the academy last summer. The activity day includes a variety of sports and is aimed at boosting team building skills throughout the student population. I received the plaque on behalf of the school from Plymouth Leander coach Jon Rudd.

Principal of the Academy Pete Grainger and the whole school are honoured to be chosen for this award and the All Saint Academy Programme is an excellent example of how London 2012 is helping to spark young people's imagination and inspiring them to get involved and make a difference.........


Monday, March 7, 2011

It's Bobsleigh Time

So a while back I said that I may have some more news to share with you and now I can.

A while ago I travelled to Bath University to try out for the GB Bobsleigh Team and as a result of this I passed all the physical attributes that they where looking for to become a breakswoman and use my speed and strength to help push the Bob and I can now reveal that I am now part of the GB Bobsleigh Team and will be travelling to the USA on the 19th of March to train with the GB Team and you never know maybe compete in their last race of the season.

I am very excited and grateful to be given this chance and start a new chapter in my life and hopefully make it to the 2014 Winter Olympics. The good thing for me is that I can still carry on with my athletics during the Summer, but I will not be competing again in the indoors as I will be busy doing my thing with Bobsleigh and I can't wait. Who knows I could join the names of elite athletes who have competed in both the Summer and Winter Olympics, imagine that ;o)

The thing with me is I love a challenge and I give it my all to try and succeed. I am confident this is going to another amazing adventure as part of development I have some great things coming up and I plan to grasp it with both hands and make the best of it and come out on top and who knows maybe an Olympic Champion! How sweet would that be?!

Monday, February 28, 2011


Last time I wrote I talked about myself going through a midlife crisis and signing up to step into the Boxing ring for Charity in aid of St Lukes Hospice. Well I did it......

Put me on the track in front of thousands any day, stepping into a Boxing ring to fight was the most nervous thing I've ever had to do, to say I felt sick is an understatement!! I did have good preparation going in as I had a nice massage before my warm up by Becky and then Dave talked me through what I had to do and then helped me warm up! When it was my time to step out I could have easily thrown up with nerves, I was about to step into the ring with another girl and we were to hammer seven bells out of each other!!

I entered the ring to Eminem Lose Yourself with my corner men Dave Smith and Dezzi O'Connor. As soon as the bell went for the first round adrenaline kicked in and so did the nerves and we went for it!! It was the hardest 6 minutes of my life, I was blowing come the final round, how anyone can do 12 rounds is beyond me I was dead on my feet I'm not designed for that haha. Did I enjoy it? Yes I did, would I do it again? Hell no!!
I'm a sprinter and i do not have the lungs for that. So what was the result? Well I WON ;-)

The girl I joined in the ring was 18 years old and I take my hat off to her, she had a great engine on her and I'm sure she could of carried on all night. It was a great night and everyone enjoyed the show and I'm sure a lot of money was raised for a fantastic cause. The next time I am asked to do the raffle I shall think twice about it haha I shall stick to training at Boxing not fighting I can officially say I have got that one out my system for sure it doesn't matter what anyone tells you to do when you step into the ring all that goes out the window when someone is trying to beat the living daylights out of you ;-)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Indoors Complete - So What's Next?

So last weekend at the Aviva Grand Prix in Birmingham was my last race of the Indoor season for 2011. My indoors didn't go as well as I would have liked but I still have some positives to take away from it. I ran quicker over the 60's than I did last year and my reactions from the blocks this indoors has been way off! Its been as though I have fallen asleep in the blocks every time. My reaction from the blocks at the UK Champs in my heat for the 200m was 0.311 what's that all about???? I found this very frustrating as I am normal a quick starter but this indoors it wasn't to be, and now it is something I have to work on and get right for the outdoor season and I'm confident I will.

I found the indoor season came around very quick and it felt like I didn't really have much of winter training base as the Commonwealths kept me competing later in the year than normal and then all of a sudden it was time to go again for the indoor season but I am now glad its over and I can get back to the hard work again. This summer season I plan to open up the outdoors later than normal and won't compete until May. I normally do a lot of low key meets to get me going and I start early April as it takes me a few races to get race fit but this year I am going to try something different and make sure I am in the best possible shape and good to go.

So what's next for me?! Well I have taken this week off from the track to recover, but it doesn't mean I haven't been working hard in fact I have been busy in the Boxing gym as for some stupid reason I have agreed to take part in an Amature Boxing match in aid of St Lukes Hospice. Its a Boxing - Wrestling night which takes place at the Plymouth Guildhall this Saturday the 26th!! Am I mad you ask?! YES! Haha plus I am starting to think maybe I am having a midlife crises at the ripe old age of 31!!! My thought behind it is its for a good cause, I was only meant to be going to draw the raffle but someone informed the organiser that I do Boxing Training and now I shall be stepping into the ring for the 1st time ever, nervous? MUCH! Ha. But I am sure its going to be a great night. I even have my own entrance music but I'm not going to share that with you yet.

I have also been asked on numerous times if its true I am going to be taking up Bobsleigh? All I am going to say is watch this space you never know what I may share with you ;-)

So that's it for now I am going to be busy getting myself prepared for my adventure on Saturday then after that who knows...........

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

week Of The UK Indoor Trials

So this is it.....its now the week of the UK Indoor Trials and now is the time where I get myself fine tuned and ready to roll on Saturday where I go in the 60mtrs and then Sunday I will step up the distance and take on the 200mtrs.

I've had a really good start to the week in the weights room where I managed to achieve 2Pb's in both my power cleans and bench press by 5k on each, I could have gone heavier but with having to race this weekend I didn't want to push it! I have not attempted any squats as I don't want to over do it on the legs and feel dead when I need to run fast. I've been fine tuning the block situation also and avoiding any dq's after my upset in Linz and I won't be making that mistake this time round. So the rest of the week will be about tapering down with some technical work and some fast runs.

I can't wait to race at the trials this year. I've not really been in the competitive mode yet this indoor season and run in a quality field, but this year I think will be the best 60m Women's line up seen in a long time. All the girls have posted some fast times and I can't wait to get in the mix and lay down my fast time which is long overdue in the 60's ;-) Then on Sunday I will do the 2's which I love running indoors, I shall be using the three rounds as part of my training and a bit of fun as the 200mtrs is not an event at the European Championships. It will all be about the 60mtrs and trying to achieve the 7.30 which is the standard for the Europeans, I'm going to have to pull out a massive lifetime best and run the race of my life but the good thing is I'm in the shape to do it!! :-)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

On The Circuit Vienna and Linz

So I am composing this blog whilst stood in Check-in for my return flight home after racing in Austria. You wouldn't believe how much wifi and internet access keeps athlete sane when they are away competing its the first thing we look for on our phones and laptops as soon as you pick up an athletes head is down and the BBM is going constant! Life of an athlete ;-)

So my first stop was Vienna and this went ok I had a few technical issues with my runs which I need to address when I get back home, but a wins a win and I will take that right now. The good thing is I performed better than I did at the Southerns and I walked away in one piece. I opened up my heat with 7.43 but when I watched my race back I had no drive phase what so ever, and to top it off after my first stride out of the blocks its as though I pause before taking my next stride so this is a tenth I'm wasting!! Then onto the A Final which again I won but this time it was a very slow 7.46, my drive phase was slightly better but I just felt sluggish and thenb about 5mtrs from the line I felt my hamstring get a little tight so I eased up, but thankfully I didn't cause any damage like I did at the Southerns just had a tight back which was kindly fixed as soon as I stepped off the track!

Following Vienna we then took a bus ride down to Linz to compete. Whilst on the bus journey I watched Knocked Up this certainly helped the 3hour bus ride go quicker! Plus its a really good film gave me a lot of giggles and the rest of the bus who where busy leaning over to catch a glimpse.
Well Linz for me was a bit of a disaster to say the least I knew when I got up and went to the track and started to conduct my warm up I was going to go fast as I could feel it in my legs and mind set but when I got to the blocks it wasn't to be.....there was a disqualification for a false start, so it was back to the blocks again, it was really noisy when getting on your marks I thought about putting my hand up, then the starter said set, I went to put my hand up but I came out my blocks and got dq'd for a false start. I am a firm believer that these things happen for a reason it wasn't my time to lay down a fast time I am ment to be saving it for next weekends UK Trials, it wasn't my time to shine.
I am gutted but I am just grateful I haven't got injured I messed up but I now know that I won't be doing it again!! So now its back to the UK back to training and get ready for my Trials ;-)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund

I have been asked to get involved in an Easter Fundraising day to raise money for the Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund on Wednesday 6th April 2011 to be held at Plymouth Albion RFC, Brickfields. The day is being organized by The Goodbooks Group and when I heard about it I jumped at the chance to get involved for such an amazing cause.

The day will include a rugby 7’s tournament, schools Tag rugby tournament, various static displays, Rib/Viking rides and a parachute display team, and the Royal Marines Band to name but a few events happening. I have been asked to head up a 4x400mtr relay team to take part in a relay race. The batons themselves are going to be stretcher handles that have been actually used to carry injured servicemen out in Afghanistan and these batons travel around the country to various fundraising events.There have been 6 teams confirmed to participate in the relay race which will happen at around 1630 on the running track at Brickfields, the teams are Albion, Argyle, Raiders, Katherine Endacott celeb team, Royal Marines Team, and a Goodbooks team.

It is intended to be a family day out,there will be various bars and food available throughout the day and an Easter egg hunt and entertainment for the children. So I am hoping to see as many of you there as possible, I know it is along time away but please do write it in your diary it is going to be a fantastic day. I mean just coming to see me die over 400mtrs has got to be worth it!!! 200mtrs is my limit so I am going to be pushing the boat out a bit here. haha.
So now I am busy trying to workout who I could have in my team and I am hoping I can throw in a few surprises. I know it is a few months away but I will be sure to blog about this again soon to keep reminding you all

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Welcome back legs

So after last weekends set back with my back and hamstring I have spent most of the week on the physio bed getting myself fixed through enormous amounts of pain and the other times laid on my back with my feet in the air!!!!

I have to say my physio has done a fab job and I now finally have my legs back.

I was told by my physio that I have to test my back and hamstring out so on Friday I warmed up extra long did my sprint drills and managed to stride, he even told me to try some bounding so I did and managed so do a Pb in the distance between the hurdles ;-) so today I went to training and put my spikes on and hit the speed and it felt good and touch wood no aches or pains felt at all.

I'm now into my speed element of training in prep to the UK Trials next month so everything is about 100% effort with good recovery, plus a lot of block work after my weights sessions, however I need to make sure my back is 100% before I lift again and I am hoping that I will be able to do that on Monday,s session. So next week will be a hard speed week for me as I prepare to go into my next run of competitions. I have been fortunate enough to be selected to run for England Indoors in Vienna and Linz on the 1st and 3rd of February which I am really looking forward too and fingers crossed I can perform better than last weekend and without any niggles setting in. So this week i shall again be spending a lot of time on the physio bed as I don't want to go backwards and with the UK Trials only a few weeks away I cant risk anything!!

I cant believe that this time next week I shall be celebrating my birthday, I would like to say I am going to be 21 again but then that would be lying. I am going to be 31 and I plan to spend my birthday training, however I do plan to have a night out with loved ones and paint the town red hahaha. Mia keeps asking me if she is invited to my party?! trying to tell a three year old your not having one has not sunk in yet i wish I was three again........

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

At it again

As I mentioned in my last post I kicked off my indoor season on the 9th with a visit to Cardiff and I was delighted with how I performed. I opened up with my quickest openers ever and ran 7.42 over the 60mtrs and I didn't even get out of first gear so it gave me a lot of confidence in knowing that I can go faster.

Training has been going great and I have only just in the last two weeks began my speed element of training alot of my training has been based on getting stronger with over distance work and a lot of lactic.Now I have dropped the distances down and concentrating on achieving maximum speed and the times I have been producing are the quickest I have ever run. I now just need to carry that over into competition and hopefully come to the UK Indoor Trails when it counts most I can do that.

As many athletes know things don't always go according to plan I had five years of that but last year I put all that behind me. When things are going so well there is something that is sent to try us and for me this happened last Thursday during my last run in training when my hamstring decided to go tight, I took a visit to the physio and had some work done and was told to rest up before racing at the Southern Champs. Come the Southern's I decided to run anyway as my leg felt ok but as I got through the rounds it got tighter and tighter and as a result it has effected my back. So I've been resting on my back with my feet in the air and having lots of physio to try and get myself fixed. I am a firm believer that things like this happen for a reason maybe I am meant to save myself till next month and get my body back to full fitness. I'm not going to lie it's painful but I'm sure in a few days my physio, who has magic hands, will have me back on the track and ready to roll again. I'm not going to be racing anymore this month and will step back on the track in feb at the Birmingham Games, failing that I will be at the trials!

I just have to be patient at let my body heal, I know I am in good shape and ready to roll.

I do have to say how great it was to see the return of J'nette Kwakye to form after a few years plagued with injury and see her open up her season with European Qualifier, Stadium Record, and fastest time in Europe that's how you do it ;-)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Cool Runnings

Feel the rhythm, feel the ride, let's give it up it's Bobsleigh Time.........COOL RUNNINGS!!!!!!

As you may have guessed my little secret which I couldn't share was that I had trials for the British Bobsleigh Team this week at Bath University. This all came about after I had tweeted a comment following one of my tracks sessions saying 'I think I should try out for the British Bobsleigh Team after my track session on the ice and snow' I then recieved a tweet back saying 'well get in touch with me then' with a link about a Talent Transfer Programme for the 2014 Winter Olympics! So I made contact.

I travelled upto Bath on Tuesday the 4th with my daughter and went out onto the Push Track where we where all given some coaching on how to push the Bobsleigh and more importantly how to get in! I really enjoyed this as it shows you what it's like, I pick up things quickly so had no problems jumping into the sleigh. After we had done some coaching we then had to run three 30mtr time trials through the timing gates, as a sprinter I would have been very dissappointed if I hadn't achieved the standard required, I did mine in 3.95 seconds which I was happy with that not the same as coming out of starting blocks but I didn't mind. I had a good day and even Mia thought it looked good fun although she did keep telling me be careful mummy don't hurt yourself bless her :-)

so now everywhere I look it says that I have made the team and this is true, I do have to have more training and then hopefully very soon I shall be stepping onto the ice and doing it for real! This is when I'm sure I will be SCARED and thinking what have I let myself in for haha.

I do have to clear up though that I am not giving up my athletics, this is just a new challenge for me and I will be doing this in the Winter and my athletics all year round I would love to do both the Summer and Winter Olympics not many people could say that they have done that!
So now I am getting ready to start my indoor season which kicks off tommorrow in Cardiff so I can see where abouts I am in form at the moment. I'm doing the 60mtrs followed by the 200mtrs so it would be nice to have a decent opener and then next weekend I will travel to London, Leigh Valley Arena to do The South of England Championship where again I will be doubling up and hoping to do better than last year and come home with two Golds. I have been busy updating the iPod to get me in the zone, I've been burning up the track in training and I'm looking forward to getting some races under my belt before next months European Championship Trails where it counts the most.

So all that's left to say is let 2011 season begin ;-)

My Number One Fan

My Number One Fan
Me and my daughter Mia WWT

My Number One

My Number One