Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Back In The Game.....

Well its been a while since I have updated my blog and I am sorry for that I really don't know where the time has gone.

The good news is I have still been training and recovering from my surgery on my wrist. To make things even sweeter I have been given the all clear by the hospital to get back to it and start using my arm and pushing through it. however I do need to aviod sudden impact as of course this will just undo any of the repair i had. I have limited rotation in my hand and wrist so will now be undergoing a lot of physio to help force the wrist and get my movement back as I only have about 60% grip so this needs to be improved as I am right handed and need to get the strength back so I am 100%!

I travelled up to Bath last weekend to get myself back on the dry slope and build my confidence up that I am ok to push and get in and I did it with no pain during or after the session. The good thing about traveling up to Bath was that I was able to practice pushing with my driver Vicki O and it was such a great feeling and session as this was the first time we have been able to do it together since I joined GB Bobsleigh. Now I can't wait to get out on Ice with the girls and the season is fast approaching

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