I always seem to be pushed to the limits and have my strength tested during my life as an athlete. Things can be going great and then a little barrier is put in the way for me to overcome as I see it I have an injury jinx!! The good thing is I have the determination and strength to overcome these testing times and I always come out fighting stronger.
As I have mentioned in a previous blog I picked up an injury in my right wrist which has been a bit of a nightmare for a few months now as I am right handed. The good thing is it hasn't stopped me from doing my track sessions and plyometric training but it has significantly affected my weight training and block work as I've not been able to weightbare on my right. I have been able to do some bobsleigh push training but only by strapping my wrist up tight and taking a handful of painkillers!! Not got for the stomach!
I had an MRI scan which showed high signal at the origin of the TFC which is the cartiledge in my wrist. So on Monday I had a diagnostic wrist arthroscopy to confirm what is going on and then decided what the next step is and maybe more surgery to repair it. I need to get my wrist fixed as I want to be able to race at some point this summer and then be ready for the Bobsleigh pre season in October.
Following my surgery on Monday it confirmed that I had a TFC tear n detacthment as far as I am aware I have had the tear repaired and have to go back and see my surgeon on 15th to find out if I need any more procedures done. So at the minute I am struggling as I can't really use my right wrist and having to do things left handed is certainly a challenge in itself but as you do you just get on with it! I know I will bounce back I am strong always have been I will overcome this and fast. I got work to do.......
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