Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tough Times Ahead

My path as an athlete hasn't been a smooth ride to say the least. As an athlete we put our body through so much trauma on a day to day basis so we can be the best in our given field and sometimes our bodies just can't take the impact anymore so we pick up little niggles and sometimes serious injuries that can't see us side lined for some time but I guess that just goes with the territory.

I've had my fair share of injuries since 2003 which has seen me off the track for a few years, I've had four arthroscopes in my left knee to repair a tear, I spent 6 weeks in an aircast boot due a stress fracture in my foot and today I was given the not so good news that will see me support a cast on my right arm for the least 8 weeks but the worse is I will be out of action for around 4 months which means my athletic season is over before it has had a chance to begin!!

I know that its these things that we endure and overcome that makes us the athletes we our today. Those who know me know what kind of person I am I keep a smile on my face and a bubbly personality and ok I'm a little bit crazy. I face these challenges head on and keep up the fighting spirit and don't let it get the better of me as I'm not ready to give up yet I have so much more to achieve. But behind the smile and the crazy women who stands in front of you is as human as the next person, inside it tears you up knowing that you can't do what you live for everyday and sometimes it just get too much. I know that this is probably going to be the toughest time ever in my career as an athlete I will have my good days and bad days but its these things that make me who I am.....I'm not going down without a fight I will get through this and come out stronger than before!

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