Friday, March 1, 2013

Things Are Looking Up.......

So finally things are looking up and I am making progress and back to some training at long last!!

I had my results back from my MRI Scan which showed I had server thickening and blood on the insertion of the plantar fascia so am due to have an injection in my heal first thing Tuesday morning. I have been told that I will be given a piece of wood to bite down on as it will be painful haha. I've had injections before but having one in my heal I can't say I am looking forward to it one bit!! I am hopeful however, that it will help and I will eventually be pain free. So I have everything crossed!!

I have been able to get back to some training and even tried out some new things to help get myself fitter and stronger. I have done Aqua classes in the pool which I really enjoyed and seen as it doesn't put any impact on my foot I was able to push myself harder. Brilliant session and whole body work out, never thought it was possible to sweat in the water!! Haha
I have also attended Body Pump as well and that's taking thing to a whole different level all together!!! Never thought I would hurt as much as I did, I would rather do heavy power lifts than that! The burn and lactic was unreal, but again I thoroughly enjoyed it and will defiantly be doing it again next week. I am even looking at Spinning classes as well, I really am on a roll here haha. I have to get fit with the least amount of pain felt in my foot so that once it has settled I am ready to hit the track hard instead of feeling like I am just starting out all over again!!

I have been lucky this week in that I have been able to do two running sessions with very little discomfort in my foot. For once I was sensible and didn't overdo it or get excited and think I could push out an extra run!! I really don't want to be away from training any longer and more importantly push the rehab back!!

So all being well and following my injection I should get the all clear and then I can look forward to getting myself in great shape and injury free and ready for a full outdoor season. Like I have said many times before these things happen for a reason and I am confident some good will come out of this tricky situation 😊

So till next time peeps 😘

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