Monday, July 12, 2010

Time Is Precious

At the moment I feel like I am spending my life living out of a suitcase. I am really enjoying my season to date but the hardest thing for me is spending so much time away from my little girl.

I knew when I decided to make a comeback after five years out that it would be hard but I never imagined that I would have such a good year that would see me travelling around the Globe. The nicest feeling for me is when I return back home to Plymouth and finally get to see Mia and spend some quality time with her.

I do get to speak to Mia on the phone when I am away but its very brief as I am sure she does it to get back at me for leaving her behind again. However she is fortunate to have such good Grandparents who take care of her while I am away, Plus her Uncle John keeps her on her toes if she dares to play up!!! haha.
The great thing these days is the fact that you can use Skype if you have Internet access and Mia loves this as she gets to see me. If anyone could see our conversations via Skype video link they would think I was crazy!!!
I think that Internet access should be free in every hotel as the price they expect you to pay is ridiculous, but then the price of my mobile phone bill is even worse.

I know appreciate Mia even more and I just enjoy her company and I tell her I love her every chance I can. Although she is only two she is my best friend, she picks me up when I am down and brings a smile to my face all time and makes me laught every day.
We sit and watch movies together todays was Monsters Inc with our little picnic. We draw each other pictures mainly Peppa Pig, haha. We sing songs Mia's favourate is Imma Bee by the Black Eyed Peas plus a little song that goes....'wheres my mummy gone?, Wheres my mummy gone? She left me behind!!....Says it all really!

Best thing for me is I know that Mia is my number One fan and she tells me while I am away 'Run Fast Mummy and stay relaxed!'

My time is very precious with Mia and I love her with all my heart. Love You Mia Grace.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1 comment:

  1. So cute! keep up the work katherine its great seeing you back on form! well done and keep running like you can


My Number One Fan

My Number One Fan
Me and my daughter Mia WWT

My Number One

My Number One