Saturday, July 3, 2010

Cork City Sports 59th International Athletics Meeting

Today I raced at the Cork City Sports 59th International Athletics Meeting (bit of a mouthful I know lol) The last time I raced at this meeting if my memory gets this right was I think back in 2005!!

In my previous blog I had wished for perfect conditions and fast times....well that was not to be today. Instead we had to battle into very strong head winds. In the 100m it was into a -5.5 and then the 200m was a -4.6 WINDY!! Unfortunately we can't predict the weather but I'm there to do a job and that's to run. It's surprising how many athletes decided not to race due to weather conditions, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't step down in an Olympic Final.

Although I was disappointed with the conditions and the not so quick times recorded today the plus side is I did manage to medal in the 200mtrs.
I finished 3rd behind Cydonie Mothersill from the Cayman Islands and Alie Israel from the USA.

I even managed to get a picture with Kim Collins after his 200m.

For me I think my day went OK. I am a very hard person to please when it comes to competing I have very high expectations of myself and when I don't run like I am capable I get very disappointed. However today the fast times I would have liked to have run where never going to happen in these conditions, every athlete was way down on there PB's so I have to dust myself off and move on. My plan for this weekend was to stay relaxed and I did, I came away with a medal, I ran good times in these conditions, I know I am in PB shape and my time will come.

so whats next for me?!
I head back home in the morning to see my beautiful girl Mia. I promised to take her to the cinema to see Shrek if she was a good girl for Nanny and Grandad :) I will then head to Glasgow for the Super 8 Series on Wednesday night and following that head down to Gateshead for the Grand Prix on Saturday. I have a busy week ahead of me I seem to be spending my life living out of a suitcase at the moment

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